-I learned while using this program that there are many little parts that make everything to come together but once you now what to do it works good. In the first couple classes it was very fustrating for me and probley for most of the class.  Jason Putley 
My learing style is one of many kinds.I can leave in very diffrent styles. I learn best when we do phycial activtes. I like learning with data tables , graph , picturs and pycial features. I also learn best when i read something and then i wirte it down in my own words that makes sence to me.
1. In my google search quiz I completed 78%. 
2. I did not complet the assignment because I found many questions on the test very hard. I went back and watched the videos to help me with the test. The obstacles that I faced in doing this was the questions that I got wrong. Another thing was it did not tell you what questions you got wrong so you had no idea which questions to check and change. 
3. I will get help from classmates or my teacher to help me find ways around the problem that I am getting. 


This video parodies the term "fair use" by explaining copyright with only images from Disney Movies.

Digital Rights and ResponsibilitiesThose freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world - electronic responsibility for actions and deeds
  • AUP (inside and outside of school)
  • Use online material ethically (citing sources)
  • Report cyberbullies and threats

Video 1 - Video 1 was about videos going onto the cyber net. Talking about how videos get popular. Most videos get popular by famous people or popular groups watching the video and re- posting or sharing with a friend. 
I felt that the video brought the message over very well and i now fully under stand how videos get popular. 
Where did they get his imformation? 
At this time i have no concerns.